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Synopsis 44: Aphyllophorales of Africa

Format: 45 pages A5 format, soft cover, published 18. Aug. 2021.


Aphyllophorales of Africa 46, Some polypores from Mont de Crystal National Park in Gabon, C. Decock, P. Yombiyeni and L. Ryvarden...5

Aphyllophorales of Africa 47, Some new and interesting polypores from Benin, B. A.  Olou and L. Ryvarden...9

Aphyllophorales of Africa 48, Some poroid species from Sao Thome, C. Decock and L. Ryvarden...14

Aphyllophorales of Africa 49, The genus Climacodon -  a synopsis, C. Decock and L. Ryvarden...10

Aphyllophorales of Africa 50, The genus Donkia -  a synopsis, C. Decock and L. Ryvarden...24

Aphyllophorales of Africa 51, Some new species from Ethiopia, A. Gminder and L. Ryvarden...27

Aphyllophorales of Africa 52, Some poroid species from Kakamega Forest National Reserve in Kenya, C. Decock, L. Ryvarden and I. Wagara...32

Aphyllophorales of Africa 53, Some new combinations in Polyporaceae, L. Ryvarden...36

New species of Amanita, Armillaria and Termitomyces from East Africa, T. Niemelä and M. Härkönen...37


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